
Do we have what you’re looking for?

Hi-Hog offers livestock panels and gates in a wide range of lengths, heights, weights and styles.

If you're building a round pen, horse paddock, bison corral, cattle handling system, rodeo arena, feedlot pens, auction sorting alley, or pasture fence line, Hi-Hog has options for you..

Hi-Hog uses heavy gauge, high tensile steel for superior durability and performance. All panel corners are built squarely to remove the foot trap found on competitor panels with rounded corners.

Hi Hog Livestock Panels2
Livestock Panels

Hi-Hog offers a wide range of outstanding livestock panels to meet your farm panel requirements. The panels use a common connector system so you can combine different heights and styles of Hi-Hog panels freely.

831 5 high 10 long heavy duty panel with gate
Hi-Hog Panels with Access-Gate

When you get tired of climbing in and out of your corrals, replace your regular livestock panel with a Panel that includes an Access-Gate.

Hi Hog Livestock Gates small
Livestock Gates

Hi-Hog offers a wide range of outstanding livestock gates to meet your farm gate requirements. All gates are made with 60,000 psi high tensile steel tubing (or better).

371 6 high Heavy Duty Gate in 10w x 8h frame
Overhead Frames with Gates

Hi-Hog offers a range of overhead frames with built-in gates for a range of uses from low pressure paddock settings, right up to high pressure bison corral situations.

Hi Hog Overhead Alley Spreaders2
Overhead Alley Spreaders

Overhead Spreaders are used in the construction of temporary handling systems and portable corrals.

Hi Hog Livestock U Frames with Gates
U-Frames with Gates

The U-frame is an excellent alternative to the traditional bow gate or Frame & Gate. With no overhead frame, you’re no longer restricted by height. Available in heights of 5’ or 6’ and widths from 8’ to 18’.

12 x 6 U Spreader Hi Hog Livestock Gates and Panels Ranch

Like the U-Frame, the U-Spreader allows you to fix the width of an alley without using posts-in-the-ground or overhead spreaders. An excellent option for livestock corrals and rodeo facilities. Available in widths from 4’ to 14’. Only available in heights of 6’.

Hi Hog Panel and Gate Accessories
Panel and Gate Accessories

Find information on Hi-Hog's panel and gate accessories including posts, panel connectors, gate latches and striker plates.